Institute for Resource Management and
Economic Development (IRMED) DELHI

Centre for Computer Education
Program Study Center of
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)


The Institute runs a Program Study Centre (PSC) sponsored by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Established in February 2002, the PSC provides facilities for both theory and practical classes in computer applications to students studying for the CIC, now CIT and BCA degrees of IGNOU. The Institute's classrooms and computer labs are used for this purpose. The PSC works under the guidance of a Coordinator who is a capable computer professional and is assisted by several IT-qualified counselors.
The Institute has been running the IGNOU study centersince 2002 on a no profit basis. It does not charge any fee from the students. Fees are paid by them directly to IGNOU. The Institute does not receive any rent for the classrooms and lab rooms as well as charges for water and electricity used by students. It receives computer hire charges from IGNOU for the use of its computers by students. This is hardly sufficient to meet the expenses on electricity i.e. ACs, fans and lights etc. in 2 Computer labs housing about 30 computers and 2 rooms (1 hall and 1 room) and on routine maintenance of these computers as well as depreciation of computers due to use by students, furniture and fixtures etc. Even though it is not an economically viable proposition to run the IGNOU study center, yet the Institute has been undertaking this activity for the noble cause of providing computer education to students specially those belonging to middle and lower middle class families, who want to improve their carrier for better opportunities but are not in a position to afford similar education in private institutions.